logistics life Just another WordPress site コンテンツへ移動 ホーム紹介 ← 古い投稿 Surely there is a threat of over saturation with the hefty numbers of Franchisors working in similar industries 投稿日: 2011年2月12日 作成者: invest When looking at the presented franchises that are for sale over the internet, at Franchise exhibitions and in the magazines you may be forgiven for wondering how it can be that there is customers for them all. Surely there must be a predetermined amount of business that these opportunities have already gone past. This is a sensible~rational~logical~reasonable} assumption particularly when you take into account the competition not only from similar franchises but also from the throng of independent and individually owned businesses doing exactly the same thing. The matter is at it’s peak in the franchises that sit in the service sector. Here we see for example many “cleaning” franchises for sale and also, when using local listing websites, a lot of individuals functioning as cleaners, not to mention the independent bigger organisations who have not gone down the franchise route. Is it safe to say that, because of their marketing power the franchises will always take the custom away from the other groups? Maybe so. An individual seeking a cleaner may be guided towards a franchised firm because they have a familiar brand, possibly because they believe that the franchised business will perform to a higher benchmark or that they will have a more committed team. Whatever the motive it is probable that they will gain more customers. That still does not defeat the issue of the many different franchisors offering similar opportunities and |